Thursday, November 3, 2022


Elon Musk and a kitchen sink? That's why I'm back to writing you ask? Yup, pretty much. Well, I guess the journey is much more than that but that's definitely a hinge moment. Can you fit 10 years into one post? Nope, but it's worth a discussion. My last post was 2012, I'll be honest after a conversation with another realtor yesterday I remembered I had a blog at one time but that was the extent of it. This conversation happened because she was encouraging me to pursue my dream and write. She told me I should get a blog. The irony is two days before that I logged back into Twitter, the first time in over a year. All because of Elon Musk. How many of our conversations have that phrase in them now? If he rolls out with a real life Iron Man Suit that flies, no one would even be surprised. After hearing about his purchase of Twitter I assumed it would be worth checking out again, so I decided to reset my password and log back in. I clicked on my profile, since a lot changes in 10 years, and that's when I found a lost coin. My blog link was listed right there for all four of my Twitter followers to faithfully read. I must say it's interesting to see where your head was 10 plus years ago. I thought about deleting them because quite honestly some thoughts I had then were cringeworthy at best but I couldn't. I think there is something special as I recounted those moments and feelings as I typed those words back then. I'm grateful for growth, for forgiveness, for mercy, and I hope you will show me that in some of those old posts along with the new ones I add. I used this picture of Ashley and I with a Marty McFly look-a-like because it's crazy how fast time goes by. Wouldn't it be crazy to be able to have a conversation with the 10 years from now you? Just roll up to a coffee shop and hope I'm driving some cool vehicle that runs on trash and let's me nap while it drives. Imagine having the ability to gain insight and wisdom the future you will hold? What if the future you never pulls up? We have now, this very moment, don't waste it. I wasn't promised these last 13 years since I started this blog, but I'm so grateful for them. Sure they have been seasoned with setbacks and heartaches but they have also been blanketed in love and I harvested wisdom from them. Each pain and laugh created a story, my story. Here's to the next chapter.

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