So I dropped off my kiddos at the babysitter's to head to work this morning and while I was scooting across this little back road I noticed two rabbits chasing each other back and forth on the highway. From about 200 yards off it seemed funny then the closer I got the more the reality of a squishy bunny set in and the chasing seemed to turn into mass confusion. The rabbits were just running in circles at one point then started to dart to the right quickly reversing direction and heading back to the left. I (out loud) said, "little bunnies you better get committed!" They safely darted off the road and into a field of lush green grass. Then it hit me, "Jimmy, you better get committed." So often we are like these two rabbits running in circles, either playing or in total confusion not sure what to do or where we are going. It's time we get committed and here are a couple reasons.
1. People are watching.
Just like that other little rabbit that was simply following everything the other was doing we are leading someone. I had a gentlemen I hold in high regard shoot me very straight the other night and for that I will be forever grateful. He said, "Jimmy, the reason they aren't doing anything is because they are watching you." I, personally don't want to be the one to lead my team, family, and friends under the wheel of a car because I chose not to get committed.
2. Your dreams/goals matter.
I don't know what that looks like for you. I don't know if it's material things or the time freedom, but what I do know is that it's YOUR dream and you are the owner. The only thing that stops you from achieving your dreams is you.
3. Your family is worth it.
I wake up every day with two little blessings and a wife who puts up with all my faults. If I decide to quit I'm not giving up on just me but my family and their dreams some not even born yet.
Don't live life running in circles waiting for things to change or someone else to get committed, you get committed and achieve your goals. Commitment = Consistency and Consistency = Commitment.